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Scale Feeders weigh material slowly dribbling from belt feeder to applications weighing material discharging from a high speed conveyor. When wind and air currents are present, wind guards can be provided or specified. The slim design and adjustability make retro fitting easy.
The Feeder Scale senses flow of material by placing pressure on a load cell in proportion to the amount of material passing against it.
When sizing these scales, particle size, flow rate and material density determine the size of scale proposed from our off the shelf scales.
When the application warrants, modifications can be made to our standard products or a new custom approach can be engineered. When product temperatures are elevated, options are provided to protect the load cell.
Feeder Scales have proven themselves in applications that range from requiring 100 tph corn at 55 lbs/bushel to Recycled Asphalt Shingles weighing 40 ton 60 lbs/Cubic foot at 10 tph. Accuracies are dependent on the application.
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Discharge Scale